Vacasa is a vacation home rental platform. I lead the brand design team in building a library of assets, campaigns and marketing collateral from 2015 - 2020
Vacasa Home Campaign
The Vacasa logo mark consists of three rings. The outer ring represents Vacasa. The second ring represents owners and the third most interior ring represents guests.
For the purposes of this campaign, I used the outermost ring of the logo mark to surround guests and owners with Vacasa’s world-class customer care. This concept reinforces the idea that whether you’re renting with us or staying with us, Vacasa always has your back.
Next Magazine
Next Magazine is a Vacasa vacation rental management thought leadership piece. The magazine aims to educate industry insiders on the process of selling a vacation rental management company. Through case studies, interviews and step-by-step advice columns, Vacasa seeks to demystify the acquisition process.
The production of the magazine was a process of deep collaboration between writers photographers and design. I had the pleasure to provide direction on design and photography while working closely with writers to ensure copy was gelling well with design and vice-versa. View the full magazine here.
Vacasa Brand Hero Illustration
I created the Vacasa hero illustration as a way to depict the different types of houses, people and environments
with do business with. A mural in the Portland headquarters serves as a snapshot of who Vacasa is.
An overview of the different types of vacation homes in the Vacasa portfolio
Branded Playing Cards
Guest facing gifts are a great way to express brand personality and build customer loyalty. I created a custom set of playing cards as a welcome gift for guests. Each face card depicts one of the diverse types of travelers who use Vacasa as a way to get away with friends and or family.
Employee Referral Bonus Posters
Vacasa employees have the opportunity to collect a $1,000 bonus for referring new vacation homes to the rental program. The goal of this poster campaign is to create awareness for the home referral bonus program. These poster illustrations connected with Vacasa employees by focusing on items and activities that are typical to their everyday life in Portland. If an extra $1,000 doesn't get your attention, the prospect of 312 donuts surely will.
Referral bonus poster grid in the Vacasa lunch room